Lost in your light

A gloomy fall night,
fraught with nomadic vibes,
lost in your light.
chapped and chilled.
wandering toward the
farthest reaches with all his might.
Every foot landing
upon autumn foliage
my stroll continues forward
thoughts fixed upon your lineage.
sprawling over the zenith
wish I could drink you,
a celestial coffee.
Tingles play atop my shoulder,
you cast a serene ray
with a cold warmth.
Before you fall out of my bay,
straining to catch your light
I extend my hands
toward you with hope,
tenacity not giving way ,
tightly I grasp,
holding you in my capacity.
Undaunted by my quest,
no bounding thoughts,
you showered a glow
in which I bathed,
ushering a breadth of
etherial knowledge.
yet, you,
mystical being to me,
I ask of you,
“Oh!, When will I reach Elysian worlds?”
you smile upon me a gentle reply,
“fernweh!, you will be forever,
and forever shall you stay,
lost, in eternity”
did it suffice, my cerebration?
I am lost in your light.

PS: fernweh( n.) – German word, A ache for distant places, crave for travel.